A working violin made from maple and oak craft wood. The design is all 90 degree angles except the fingerboard. The tuning pegs are literally square pegs in round holes.
The thing's tuned two half-steps low until it gets used to the tension.
I have never played a violin, so many thanks to Bre Pettis who dusted off his 15-years-neglected fiddling skills to test-drive this violin! (Hey NYC violinists! Want to help test & demo this thing? Contact me.)
I hope to get all the designs uploaded to thingiverse soon – keep an eye on moonmilk.com if you're interested.

Wonderful, a classical instrument, pixelated! :-)
The bridge looks like a space invader btw…
I would love to make one – but more importantly, I would love to pay someone to make one for me :)
this is outrageous! i love it… 8)
and, i look forward to design plans… i’ve got my workshop up and running now… ;)
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Pingback: Que som é esse? É o som de um violino 8 bits tocando uma musica triste para você | Gizmodo Brasil
Pingback: Hear The World’s Prettiest 8-Bit Violin Playing You A Sad Song | Gizmodo Australia
Pingback: El violín de 8bits no suena como un Commodore 64 « BN
Pingback: Un violon en 8-bits qui ne fait pas de fausses notes
Pingback: The Amazing Wooden B-Bit Violin | t3knoDorKs
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Pingback: Violino 8-Bit para tocar na vida real | Blog POP - Tecnologia
Pingback: Un instrument unique : le « 8-bit violin » | 1,2,3 violon ! Cours de violon
Pingback: El violín de 8-bits en Monkeyzen (Geek)
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Hi, I used your 8-bit violin photos to design an 8-bit cello made from used pallets as a challenge to recycle pallets into art. It is also playable and was made all in one day (although some modifications are needed: f-holes, another tuner/string and finish in the body). Here is a YouTube video of it. Thank you for the inspiration.
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