To learn how to work with clay, I’ve been copying ancient animals that I find on the web. These were made, with air-dry clay and acrylic paint, between November 2021 and April 2022. Here they are, arranged from youngest to oldest.

Whale effigy, Chumash, 1200-1600 CE

Rattle dog from Athens, 3rd century BCE

Horse, ancient Greek, Boeotian, 6th century BCE

Animal figurine, Late Mycenaean (14th–13th c. BCE)

Hedgehog on wheels, Susa, Iran, Middle Elamite period (1500–1200 BCE)

Spotted dog, Pakistan, Chanhu-Daro, 2600–1900 BCE

Boar, Tepe Sarab, Iranian Neolithic, 9th millennium BCE

these are lovely.I love them
Hey Ranjit! It’s been forever… I’m very happy to see that moonmilk is still up and going. These ancient animals are WONDERFUL.