ceci n'est pas une peep

Here’s the july batch, fresh from the sweatshop (there’s no air conditioning in my living room). Hand stencilled by amateurs for that homegrown look.

Click through them to find the size/style/color you want — you can find the size & style in the filename. I’ll mark them as sold as they get used up. If you want a size/style that’s not available, let me know– we’ll print more later. No guarantees on color, though!

All shirts are 100% cotton and will probably shrink. Buy them at moonmilk.etsy.com. And what the heck, I’ve got greeting cards too (see below), silkscreened a few years ago for my own use but I never got around to using them. Let me know if you’re interested.

The design is by Brooke!


greeting card
Card is blank inside and includes envelope.

3 thoughts on “ceci n'est pas une peep

  1. This tank looks great! By the way, I found you through Flickr. Was just browsing around ^_^

    Email me with payment details.


  2. hello, are you still selling the shirts? i would LOVE one as a gift for a friend, i hope you’re still in business. let me know, i think i need a men’s large… or x-large standard t-shirt.

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