I took some scrap wire and wound it into coils, which I sewed to the fingertips of a knit glove. I tossed some extra magnets under the guitar strings, and then waggled my fingers over the strings while tapping the strings (still tuned to Open D) with a drumstick. It works ok, not great. The next version will use much finer, more sensitive coils, and probably only on the thumb and two fingers. It's hard to use all five!

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Dude, this is brilliant. You gotta post some more stuff with this and how you did it.
That’s kind of haunting. I’m surprised you didn’t combine the E-Gurdy with this glove. Then you could get continuous sound. In fact, you could strap the E-Gurdy near the bridge, fret with your left hand, and use the coil glove with your right.
It’s a fuckin shit!