Tell the motion planner to move the motors through distances that are related by just intonation ratios, and then the motors’ magnetic interferences should blend in a harmonious way. In theory.
Author Archives: ranjit
instrument-a-day 8: tiny pendulum music
a tiny homage to Steve Reich, using a tiny pair of headphones as a microphone plugged into a tiny amplifier.
Steve Reich’s Pendulum Music (1966):
instrument-a-day 7: ice mic
I froze a contact microphone in a cup of water, and thawed it out again.
instrument-a-day 6: cuckoo whistles
Trying out bellows made with leather, tyvek, and fake leather.
instrument-a-day 5: the worst pipe organ
A fan, a box, and some pipes from the February 8, 2009 instrument-a-day:
This may or may not be the start of something bigger.
instrument-a-day 4: bowed cowbells
With a little practice, this could almost be an acceptable sound. I didn’t practice.
instrument-a-day 3: playdocarina
The secret to getting a loud clear note out of the soft squishy ocarina was making a sharp-edged lip around the blowhole. As soon as I poked a hole in it, it started to fall apart.
instrument-a-day 2: heatsink
A big heat sink on a cardboard box resonator has a surprisingly nice chime to it.
instrument-a-day 1: paper speakers
It’s February, and that means it’s Instrument-a-Day time again! Day 1: paper speakers – experimenting with simple handmade speakers.
tonight and next week in nyc (mailing list archive)
Last chance to see the Rube Goldberg chain reaction machine we built into the halls and stairways and rooms of Flux Factory. The machine that always works perfectly and never fails! 8pm tonight at Flux, 39-31 29th St, Long Island City, Queens, NYC. I made the camera contraption that photographs the disheveled audience at the very end of the chain.
video here: http://animalnewyork.
It’s Terry Dame’s Weird Wednesdays, the only concert series so weird thatWednesday falls on a Thursday. This month it’s Weird Wednesday All Stars, ten or more composer-musician-tinkerers playing their odd and/or homemade instruments in various groups and combos. I’ll be among them, with whirling noisemakers and a Typeatune duet with toy pianist Phyllis Chen. 7:30pm Thursday Jan 29 at Barbès, 379 9th St at 6th Av in Brooklyn.
Ab Uno Pluribus is WvS’s experimental music concert series in which he flings together musicians / sound artists / whatevers for solo and joint improvisations accompanied by live video art. I’ll be joining two intimidatingly awesome musicians: Jazz wind player Daniel Carter and gong / percussionist Michael Jay, with a homemade tromba marina and random videos live off the internet. I hope it works. That’s 7:30pm, Saturday Jan 31 at The Three Jewels, 61 4th Avenue, 3rd floor (between 9th and 10th streets).
Since you asked, my experimental poetry installation pentametron will be in a show at Boston Cyberarts, opening Friday February 27th. There’ll be a live twitter stream, a bunch of live sonnet generators, and an impressively weighty tome of pentametron’s past work. Also maybe a surprise virus. More on this when the time gets closer.
Please let me know!
– Ranjit
p.s. you can find my outdated web site, as always, at, and twitter
p.p.s. wildly colorful junk mail [see the colorful version here] inspired by Angela Washko’s mailing list mails, which taught me that it’s possible to subvert these corporate mail templates. She does it better, though. Check ’em out!