Join me, sound artists Thessia Machado and John Roach, and violinist Concetta Abbate as we swarm from location to location in the vast, dark, and echoing ground floor spaces of the Brooklyn Army Terminal. The show starts around 5, but come early to explore the exhibition – there’ll be some delicious honey ice cream available to sample courtesy of B-Line Ice Cream, honey mulled wine, and some other bee themed takeaways. John has posted some previews of the performance on Instagram here and here. We’re all working on weird new instruments for this gig!
The performance is part of the exhibition “Embodied Futures and the Ecology of Care” at BioBAT Art Space in Sunset Park and is an extension of John Roach’s installation “Scorched Honey Archive” that explores the complex ecological role of honeybees and other pollinators. BioBAT has more information about the exhibition and more upcoming events.
Getting to BioBAT Art Space can be confusing, because the Brooklyn Army Terminal is a vast maze! Do not enter BAT from 2nd Avenue – take 58th or 63rd St all the way to the parking lot on the river, and you’ll find BioBAT’s entrance facing the river towards the south end of the gigantic building. (Google will tell you it’s in the middle, and Apple will say it’s the north end. Lies!) You can even take the ferry to Sunset Park / BAT and you’re almost there!